Lesson Archive

Nuclear Science – Be Prepared

Welcome to the Nuclear Science Merit Badge Course! As Scouts, you want to Be Prepared for this course. It’s highly desired because it’s not easy. But, it is alot of fun (and you might learn some things your Science Teacher at School doesn’t know). Of course, the best way to learn about Nuclear Science is Read More …

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Nuclear Science – Last Steps

DON’T FORGET TO SEND ANY REQUIRED ESSAYS/WRITINGS TO nuclear@medlock.net And, CC your Parent/Guardian so they can see your work and our communication. Complete and submit the following form to confirm your completion of the online pre-session course (Please enter “NUCLEAR” in the Subject Line):

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Nuclear Science – Requirement 1

Radiation – Do the following: Tell what radiation is. Describe the hazards of radiation to humans, the environment, and wildlife. Explain the difference between radiation exposure and contamination. In your explanation, discuss the nature and magnitude of radiation risks to humans from nuclear power, medical radiation, and background radiation including radon. Explain the ALARA principle and measures Read More …

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Nuclear Science – Requirement 2

Atoms and Particles – Do the following: Tell the meaning of the following: atom, nucleus, proton, neutron, electron, quark, isotope; alpha particle, beta particle, gamma ray, X-ray; ionization, radioactivity, and radioisotope. A glossary can be found here. Choose an element from the periodic table. Construct 3-D models for the atoms of three isotopes of this element, showing neutrons, Read More …

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Nuclear Science – Requirement 3

Do ONE of the following; then discuss modern particle physics with your counselor: Visit an accelerator (research lab) or university where people study the properties of the nucleus or nucleons. Name three particle accelerators and describe several experiments that each accelerator performs. Fermilab DUNE Accelerator Experiment – Video https://youtu.be/AYtKcZMJ_4c Stanford Linear Accelerator (SLAC) – Video Read More …

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Nuclear Science – Requirement 4

Do TWO of the following; then discuss with your counselor the different kinds of radiation and how they can be used: Build an electroscope. Show how it works. Place a radiation source inside and explain the effect it causes. Make a cloud chamber. Show how it can be used to see the tracks caused by Read More …

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Nuclear Science – Requirement 5

Do ONE of the following; then discuss with your counselor the principles of radiation safety: Using a radiation survey meter and a radioactive source, show how the counts per minute change as the source gets closer to or farther from the radiation detector. Place three different materials between the source and the detector, then explain Read More …

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Nuclear Science – Requirement 6

Do ONE of the following; then discuss with your counselor how nuclear energy is used to produce electricity: Make a drawing showing how nuclear fission happens, labeling all details. Draw another picture showing how a chain reaction could be started and how it could be stopped. Explain what is meant by a “critical mass.” Build a model Read More …

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Nuclear Science – Requirement 7

Give an example of each of the following in relation to how energy from an atom can be used: nuclear medicine, environmental applications, industrial applications, space exploration, and radiation therapy. For each example, explain the application and its significance to nuclear science.

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Nuclear Science – Requirement 8

Find out about three career opportunities in nuclear science that interest you. Pick one and find out the education, training, and experience required for this profession and discuss this with your counselor. Tell why this profession interests you. Online Resource from the American Nuclear Society – LINK http://nuclearconnect.org/in-the-classroom/for-students/careers Nuclear Careers Lakeland Community College – Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPyr2DOwFV4

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